Make Par Cart Requisitions Manually Version 12/16/2022 18:54:45


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Most hospital departments maintain a small local inventory of standard "par cart" items that they use all the time. The hospital distribution staff restocks each department's par areas on a regular schedule. The quantity of each item to be kept on hand in the par area is the par quantity or par level. As items are used, they are replenished up to the par level defined for each item. In this way, quantities of local supplies are kept constant.

The system helps you with par cart replenishment. First, you set up your par carts and par groups in the system. See Par Level Replenishment for an overview and setup instructions. Once you are set up, you can count par items and create requisitions in the system to replenish supplies. This section explains how to open a par cart requisition manually.


To access organization, department, or asset location data, the organization, department, or asset location must be included in a user's data profile.

See Work with user roles for details on roles and role objects.

To requisition a par cart item:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, click Warehousing > Par Carts - All Locations. The Par Carts list appears.

  2. Locate the par cart that you need by searching and sorting the list. Then, click Create Requisition from Par Counts. The Create Requisition from Par Count edit panel appears (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Par Cart Requisition Header

  1. On the Overrides to Requisition tab, you can change the Reason Code and the Needed by Date. You can also enter information for Project Code or Fund Code, if needed, and the department's Deliver-To Location. (Click Help for details on these fields.) If you wish to use another par cart, you can select a different Par Cart from the prompt (...).

Override Charge Department on Requisition Lines

A requisition created from a par cart/order guide will use the Override Charge Department field for an item specified by the order guide/par cart line.

  1. Click Submit. The Enter Par Count, Preview Requisition, and Preview Requisition Lines tabs appear at the top of the panel, and par cart lines appear underneath (Figure 2)

Figure 2 - Entering Par Count Quantities

  1. For each item that you need, enter the current quantity in the Par Count Qty field.

    Verify that the unit of measure is correct in the Par Count UOM field. If the UOM is not correct, click the prompt to select the correct UOM.

    Note: The system will not allow you order more than what is already allocated for a department when using a par cart.

Figure 3 - Par Cart Requisition Lines

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Finish Now or Finish Later.

- Click Finish Now. You are asked if you want to submit the requisition for approval.

- Click Submit. the system submits your requisition.

- When you click Finish Later, you can return to your requisition using the Requisitions list. The status of the requisition is Open.

You can track the progress of your requisition, just as you would any other requisition. To view your requisition, from the Materials Management main Contents, select Requisitioning > Requisitions - All Depts.

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