Set Up Schedules for Batch Jobs Version 12/16/2022 18:55:53


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From time to time, you may need to use batch processing to run scheduled jobs in Sourcing and Contract Management . With batch processing, the application bundles data from files together and processes several bundles at a time. Batch jobs run in asynchronous mode. You establish a schedule for running a batch job and the application does the processing without user intervention.

The system automatically sets scheduled batch jobs to a low priority so that interactive users do not have to compete with batch jobs for system time. You can also enable and disable scheduled jobs.

This topic describes how to use the Job Scheduler to set up batch jobs.


Set Up Schedules for Batch Jobs

To view the list of scheduled jobs:

From the main Contents, select Administration > Admin > Scheduled Jobs. A list appears showing you the jobs and current schedules.

To disable or re-enable scheduled jobs:
  1. From the main Contents, select Administration > Admin > Scheduled Jobs. The list of scheduled jobs appears.
  2. Scan the Job Desc field to locate the job whose schedule you wish to disable or enable.
  3. Click the job description. A popup window appears.
  4. On the popup window, click the edit icon .
    The Scheduled Job edit panel appears.
  5. To enable the job schedule, click the Enabled box. A check appears in the box.
  6. To disable an enabled job schedule, click the Enabled box (which contains a check). The check disappears.
  7. Click OK. The application returns you to the Scheduled Jobs list. Click Refresh to view the change in the Enabled column.
To create a new scheduled job:
  1. From the main Contents, select Administration > Admin > Scheduled Jobs. The list of scheduled jobs appears.
  2. Click Create Scheduled Job. The Create New Scheduled Job panel appears.
  3. Enter a description for the job in the Job Desc field.
  4. In the Job Name field, click the prompt (...) and select the type of job that you wish to schedule.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter information in the Scheduled Job Edit tabbed panels as needed.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click OK. The system displays the scheduled jobs list.
  9. Click Refresh to see the job on the list of scheduled jobs.
  10. To run the job, set the Enable field as described previously.