Copy a Purchase Order Version 12/16/2022 18:52:07


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When you copy a purchase order, the application creates a new purchase order. The PO lines are displayed so that you can edit them. The dates and authorization status are reset. You can change the PO tab fields for the correct Ordered Quantity, UOM, Unit Cost and Expected Delivery Date. You can select or unselect the Update Vendor Cost field. On the other tabs, you can also edit fields just as if you were creating a new PO.

On the Purchase Order Lines section, the Next Estimated Receipt Unit Cost does not copy over from the old PO. If you want to use the Next Estimated Receipt Unit Cost as the PO Unit Cost, you need to update the item vendor UOM. (The path is: Inventory > Item Catalog > Item Vendor(s) > enter item > Vendor UOM Edit. See Updating Item Records for details.)

With copied POs for non-file or non-stock items, you also must create backorders for the items. This step is important so that the items on the PO can be issued when they arrive.

If the organization or any of the items on the original purchase order is taxable, the application verifies the tax status for the copied PO, and applies the current tax rate.


To access organization, department, or asset location data, the organization, department, or asset location must be included in your data profile.

The "Purchasing" role object setting Create allows users to copy purchase orders.

To copy an entire PO:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Purchasing > Purchase Orders (by PO) or Purchase Orders (by Create Date).
    The list of POs ordered by PO number or by create date (as you selected) appears.

  2. Locate the PO of interest on the list.
  3. Next to the PO, click Menu > Copy. A panel appears asking you if you are sure that you would like to copy the PO.

Note: You can assign the new PO a number in the To PO No field, or leave the field blank to let the system assign the PO number.

  1. Click Submit. The Purchase Order panel appears with the purchase order lines.

  2. Enter or change information on the Purchase Order tabs and the Purchase Order lines just as you would if you were creating a new PO manually.
  1. When you are finished entering information in the fields, click Save.
  2. If there are no errors, click Authorize Now or Authorize Later.

    The system returns to the Purchase Order list.

You can also create and copy purchase orders from the vendors contents.

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Vendors > Vendors.
  2. Select View the Vendors List.
  3. Next to the vendor of interest, select Menu > All POs.
  4. Find the PO that you wish to copy, and select Menu > Copy PO.
  5. Follow the instructions above to copy the PO, or,
    to create a new PO for the vendor, click New. (See Create a PO Manually.)