Periodic Maintenance Tasks - Purging Obsolete Information Version 12/16/2022 19:02:05


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This topic describes how to purge obsolete information that appears in your system lists. The focus is on manual purges. You can also create a schedule for running purges automatically.

Here are the retention times the system uses in determining what to remove from the database:

Table 1 - Retention Times for ERP Data

Item exports Download complete. 45
User activity n/a 90
Reports n/a 30
Patient ADT information n/a 5
GL exports Download complete. 60
EDI 810s Processed and invoiced or deleted. 90
Async job history Processed, no errors. The status must be Read. 30
Notifications n/a 30

Specific imports, e.g., mobile unit
uploads, requisition imports:
Purge occurs when
the import Status is Complete.

All imports: Regardless of Status,
when the Create Date of the import
is > 120 prior days.



Pick lists Confirmed. 45
Patient charge exports
Download complete. 45
PO exports Download complete. 45
Advance replenishment exports Download complete. 45
Invoice exports
Download complete. 45
Par cart/order guide
mass maintenance jobs
Complete. 30
AP transaction exports Download complete. 45
EDI 855 (confirmations) imports Acknowledge Date + 30 days 30
EDI 832 (vendor catalogs)` Start Receive date + 30 days 30
Mobile (iPad) application
User Notes and other completed data
N/A 28

Use the procedure below to run a purge manually. Use the Job Scheduler to run the purge process automatically as a scheduled batch job.

Par Cart Orders Imported from Mobile Devices

Completed par cart orders imported from mobile devices are automatically purged from system servers after 45 days.


Users must have Administrator privileges to be able to run purges: the role object "Administration" must be set to All in the assigned role (usually, Admin).

To purge old data manually:

  1. From the main Contents, select Work in Administration > Administration > Weekly Purge.
    You are asked if you would like to run the weekly purge.

  2. Click Yes.
    The old data is deleted.

To view batch jobs and clear completed jobs:

the system performs many activities as "batch" jobs. You can view batch jobs that the system has run. You can also delete batch jobs.

  1. From the main Contents, select Work in Administration > Administration > Open Batch Jobs. The current list of batch jobs is displayed.

  2. To clear any batch job and remove it from the list, select Clear Job (or Menu > Clear Job). the system displays any relevant messages.

  3. Select Mark as Read. The job disappears from the list.

To set up a schedule for running a batch job that purges information, see To schedule purges.