Maintain Par Carts and Order Guides Version 12/16/2022 19:02:58


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The maintenance utilities for par carts and order guides allow you to add or delete items in multiple par carts or order guides at one time. The system displays all the order guides or par carts, and you select those to which you will add or delete an item. You can select a subset of order guides and par carts in your organization, or you can select them all.

The maintenance utilities also allow you to select an item that is on at least one par cart, and update the item's information in multiple par carts. You can change various replenishment values for the item including: the unit of measure (UOM), quantity, par shelf location, override charge-to department, direct-delivery flag, project/fund code, and whether the item can be backordered. You can replace an item on multiple par carts as well.

Similarly, for order guides, you can select an item that is on at least one order guide for mass update. You can change the UOM, quantity, par shelf location, override charge-to department, direct delivery, project/fund code, and backorder checkbox, and apply the changes to all selected order guides that contain the item. You can also replace an item on multiple order guides.

Financial Reporting Fields

Your site may be set up to use Financial Reporting Fields in various parts of the application. Similarly, you may also be using Project Codes and Fund Codes.

Financial Reporting Fields, along with Project Code and Fund Code let you generate reports on non-account code fields. For example, your site might define Physician as a financial reporting field. Users could then select the physician associated with a par cart or an order guide, for example.

If financial reporting fields are used by your site, the tab Fin Reporting appears on the panels. (Otherwise, this tab does not appear.) You can enter field values on the tabbed panel.

Details are in Using Financial Reporting Fields in ERP.


To access organization, department, or asset location data, the organization, department, or asset location must be included in a user's data profile.

Mass maintenance for par carts and order guides is controlled by the role object "Ordering." The setting required is Modify.

By default, the Warehouse Manager role has access to both the order guide and par cart mass-maintenance utilities. Users with the Buyer role have access to the order guides utility. The system administrator can set permissions for warehouse Distribution Clerks to access the utilities, and for a Buyer to access the par cart utility. Contact your system administrator if you have questions or problems.

To add items to multiple par carts and order guides:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Mass Maintenance for Order Guides and Par Carts
    A list of pending mass maintenance changes or No Data appears.
  2. Click New. The Mass Maintenance header panel appears (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Mass Maintenance Panel

  1. Specify whether you are adding an item to par carts or order guides.
  1. Select Add from the drop list in the Mass Maintenance Action field.

  2. Click the prompt in the Selected Item No field and use the selection panel to enter the item that you wish to add to par carts or order guides.

  3. Click Submit. The Order Guide/ Par Cart panel appears.

    On the top of the panel, the system lists the supplying organization and the supplying asset location, and the item number and its description.
    On the bottom of the panel is a list of par carts and order guides for the organization and asset location specified. The item is not currently on any of the par carts or order guides listed.

- If you check Select All on the top of the panel, and click Save, the system selects all the par carts or order guides. Click Refresh to see the par carts or order guides selected.

- To unselect all par carts/order guides, uncheck Select All and click Save.

- If you check Select All, you can then uncheck individual par carts/order guides. Click Save when you are finished.

  1. Click Submit. The item detail General panel appears (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Mass Maintenance Item Detail Panel

    - Change the Unit of Measure, if needed.
    - For order guides, you will not need to enter a Par Level Quantity. If you are adding an item to a par cart, however, enter this value.
    - If needed, you can override the charge department and and add a project or fund code to associated with item.
    - Select the Direct Delivery box if you need direct delivery.
    - For par cart items, enter the Par Shelf Location.
    - If you can allow item backorders, select the Allow Backorder box.

  1. Click Submit when you are finished editing fields on the panel.

    Note: If you change the default UOM for an item on any par cart or order guide, the system sends you a message that asks you if you would like the UOM changed on all order guides or par carts where the item is listed.

    The system sends you a message that asks you to confirm the mass maintenance.
  1. Click Submit. The system performs the mass maintenance.

To delete items from multiple par carts and order guides:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Mass Maintenance for Order Guides and Par Carts
    A list of pending mass maintenance changes or No Data appears.

  2. Click New. The Mass Maintenance panel appears (Figure 1, above).
  3. Specify whether you are deleting an item from par carts or order guides.
  1. Select Delete from the drop list in the Mass Maintenance Action field.
  2. Click the prompt in the Selected Item No field and use the selection panel to enter the item that you wish to delete from par carts or order guides.
  3. Click Submit. The Order Guide/Par Cart panel appears.

    On the top of the panel, the system lists the supplying organization and the supplying asset location, and the item number and its description.
    On the bottom of the panel is a list of par carts and order guides for the organization and asset location specified. The item is on the par carts or order guides listed.

- If you check Select All on the top of the panel, the system selects all the par carts or order guides. Click Refresh to see the par carts or order guides selected.

-To unselect all par carts/order guides, uncheck Select All and press Save.

-If you check Select All, you can then uncheck individual par carts/order guides. Click Save when you are finished.

- Scroll forward in the list using Next Page.

- Position to... places the par cart or order guide that you enter in the box at the top of the list.

- You can also click the Search button to search for an order guide or par cart with specific characteristics.

Important: If you have selected some par carts/order guides and then click Search, they are unselected.

  1. Click Submit.
    The system sends you a message that asks you to confirm the mass maintenance.
  2. Click Submit to complete the mass maintenance and delete the items.

To update item information on multiple par carts and order guides:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Warehousing > Mass Maintenance for Order Guides and Par Carts
    A list of pending mass maintenance changes or No Data appears.

  2. Click New. The Mass Maintenance panel appears (Figure 1, above).
  3. Specify whether you are updating an item on par carts or order guides.
  1. Select Update from the drop list in the Mass Maintenance Action field.
  2. Click the prompt in the Selected Item No field and use the selection panels to specify the item that you wish to update on par carts or order guides.
  3. Click Submit. The Order Guide/Par Cart panel appears.

    On the top of the panel, the system lists the supplying organization and the supplying asset location, and the item number and its description.
    On the bottom of the panel is a list of par carts and order guides for the organization and asset location specified. The item is not currently on any of the par carts or order guides listed.

- If you check Select All on the top of the panel, the system selects all the par carts or order guides. Click Refresh to see the par carts or order guides selected.

- To unselect all par carts/order guides, uncheck Select All and press Save.

- If you check Select All, you can then uncheck individual par carts/order guides. Click Save when you are finished.

- Scroll forward in the list using Next Page.

- Position to... places the par cart or order guide that you enter in the box at the top of the list.

- You can also click the Search button to search for an order guide or par cart with specific characteristics.

Important: If you have selected some par carts/order guides, and then click Search, they are unselected.

  1. Click Submit. The item detail panel appears.
  2. Complete fields on the Update panel as needed.
  3. Click Submit. The system sends you a message that asks you to confirm the mass maintenance.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. The system performs the mass maintenance, updating the item on the order guide or par cart.

To replace items on multiple par carts and order guides:

  1. From the main Contents, select Warehousing > Mass Maintenance for Order Guides and Par Carts . A list of pending mass maintenance changes or No Data appears.
  2. Click New. The Mass Maintenance panel appears (Figure 1).
  3. Specify whether you are replacing an item on par carts or order guides:
  1. Select Replace from the drop list in the Mass Maintenance Action field.
  2. Click the prompt in the Selected Item No field and choose the item that you wish to replace in par carts or order guides.
  3. Click the prompt in the Replace With Item No field and choose the item that is the replacement.

A panel -- Primary Supplier Vendor Issuing UOMs -- appears for you to set equivalent units of measure between the old item and the replacement item. The Selected Item No Quantity field contains the number of units (for the issuing unit of measure) to convert to the replacement item's issuing unit of measure.
For example, 10 EA (for the original item) = 1 BX for the replacement item. Or, 1 BX (original item) = 10 EA (replacement item).

  1. Enter a value in the Selected Item No Quantity field and each parallel value in the Replace Item No Quantity field, with the replacement UOM.
  2. Click Submit. The Order Guide or Par Cart Mass Replace panel appears.

On the top of the panel, the system lists the supplying organization and the supplying asset location, and the item number and its description.
On the bottom of the panel is a list of par carts and order guides for the organization and asset location specified. The item is not currently on any of the par carts or order guides listed.

- Scroll forward in the list using Next Page.

- Position to... places the par cart or order guide that you enter in the box at the top of the list.

- You can also click Search to search for an order guide or par cart with specific characteristics.

Important: If you have selected some par carts/order guides and then click Search, they are unselected.

  1. Click Submit. The system sends you a message that asks you to confirm the mass maintenance.
  2. Click Submit. The system performs the mass maintenance, replacing the item.