Viewing Requisition Details Version 12/16/2022 18:57:23


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The Requisitions list displays summary information on requisitions. Details on each requisition are available from requisition Inquiry. You can access Inquiry from the Requisitioning Quick Click menu and from the Requisitions list. The information includes:

You may wish to read Requisition Lifecycle and Requisitions and Purchase Orders to review the requisitioning process and the relationship between requisitions and purchase orders.

Before you look for your requisitions' details, check to be sure that your Department and Organization are specified correctly in your Current Settings. You can view requisitions for your current department, or for any departments defined for your user ID in the system's security records. Also, in your Current Settings, note that you can choose the asset location for which you want to view requisitions, if your site inventories supplies in multiple asset locations.


The "Requisitions" role object controls access to requisition lines.
- For access to requisition lines from the Requisitions list, the minimum setting is Modify.

To view detailed requisition information:

  1. Access the requisition as follows:

  2. The Quick Click menu appears.
  3. Under I would like to ..., select Inquiry.
  4. Enter the requisition number in the field under Requisition Number.
  5. Click Go.
    A tabbed panel containing requisition information appears. The Requisition Lines Quantity Status panel is on top.
  6. To get general information about the requisition, click the Requisition Info tab (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Requisition Inquiry Panel: Requisition Info Tab

Note: If you are working from the Requisitions list, you can also click i next to any requisition for Inquiry.

Information on the Requisition Inquiry Panel:

This section describes fields on the Requisition Inquiry panels listed in Table 1.

Table 1 - Tabbed Panels on a Requisition Inquiry

Tabbed Panel Sub-Panel/Inquiry Sub-sub-Panel
Requisition Lines Quantity Status - displays information about
the items and quantities requested.
Click i. Quantity/Cost Totals
Inventory Transactions
Picks (if any)
Purchase Orders
Cost Status
Quantity Status
Charge To
Requisition Info - displays general information
about the requisition.
Guides / Carts
Approval History - lists the approval history of the
requisition, if approval is needed.
Original - when a requisition has been split,
this panel displays the original requisition before the split.
Related - for a requisition that has been split,
this panel displays the requisitions
resulting from the split.

A requisition that has two or more different approval paths -- for commodity code approvals, for example -- may be split into multiple requisitions. Each of the split requisitions is routed separately for approval. When a requisition has been split, the two tabs -- Original and Related -- appear after the Approval History tab. Original displays the original requisition. Related displays the split requisitions that were created. (Figure 1 does not show the Original and Related tabs.) See Requisition Splitting for more information.

Top Tabs

Requisition Lines Quantity Status

Shows detailed quantity information for each item line of the requisition (Figure 2).
(In Figure 2, the Quick Filters are turned off.)

Figure 2 - Requisition Inquiry Panel Requisition Lines Quantity Status Tab

If your site maintains item inventories, the Supplying Organization is the ID of the organization that normally provides supplies to the Department. The Supplying Asset Location is the ID of an asset location (storeroom) that provides items to the department. Scrolling to the right provided more information, including, in the last column, whether the line is STAT.

Click i on any row or select Menu > Inquiry to view detailed line information. A panel displaying data on a requisitioned file item (Figure 3) or non-file item (Figure 4) appears. Figure 3 and Figure 4 are sample panels from two different requisitions, but a single requisition could contain both file and non-file lines.

Figure 3 - Requisition Inquiry Panel: File Line Details

Figure 4 - Requisition Inquiry Panel: Non-File Line Details

Quantity/Cost Totals

Shows requesting department, organization, requisition number, and other header information for the requisition line.

Cost Status

Shows the Estimated Cost, the Total Issued Cost-to-Date for the line, and tax information (if applicable). For file items, the panel also displays any restocking fee percent or amount, and estimated restocking costs.

Quantity Status

Shows quantity status information for the line, similar to the information for the entire requisition. Fields include:

Ordered Quantity The quantity of the item requested on the requisition
Allocated Quantity The total quantity of the item that has either been released for picking,
or has been put on a pick list, but not confirmed
Issued Quantity The quantity of the item on the requisition that has been issued, if any.
Backorder Quantity The total quantity of the item on backorder to all departments,
within the current Asset Location.
Transfer In Quantity The total quantity of the item on transfer requisitions, but not yet received
Dropped Quantity The quantity of the requested item that was dropped.
Used when a department cannot accept backorders.

Charge To

Shows the Charge To Organization, Charge To Department, Override Charge Department, and Override
Charge Organization
for the line.

Inventory Transactions

Shows inventory transactions for the requisition line.


Shows pick information for file items.

Purchase Orders

Shows purchase order information for non-stock lines.

Requisition Info

Shows header information, including the organization code and name, the department code and name, the requisition number and description, the requesting user ID and name, the requested date, the requisition type, and its status.

The requisition Type can be one of the following:

Regular Ordinary requisition
Charge Only Items have been returned to or picked up from the storeroom
without a requisition. Charge Only is used to create a requisition
after the fact. You can also use Quick Issue to create Charge Only requisitions
Bill Only Items on the requisition have already been consumed in the course of a patient case, and the requisition is for billing purposes only. No inventory is allocated for bill-only requisitions.
Credit The requisition credits the department for the item(s).
Credit is used when items are returned, for example
Par Level The requisition replenishes a par level
Inventory Transfer The requisition tracks items moved from one asset location
(major storage area) to another, such as from a main warehouse
to a remote storeroom that serves clinics. Only departments
designated as "asset locations" can create transfer requisitions
Cost Adjustment The requisition supports cost adjustments
Credit Inventory Transfer The requisition reverses an inventory transfer. It gives credit to an asset location to which items were transferred, and then transferred back.
Department Transfer The requisition transfers a Quick Credit. Requisitions of this type are automatically created by the application to match a department-to-department credit.
Case Cart The requisition contains supplies for a procedure.

The requisition Status shows the requisition's progress through the fulfillment process and can be one of the following:

Open The requisition has been submitted, but no action has been taken yet.
You can still add to it or change it.
Pending Approval The requisition needs to be reviewed and approved.
You cannot change your requisitions once you submit them for review.
Reviewed The requisition has been reviewed.
Rejected The requisition has been rejected. The originator of the requisition must
decide what to do with it. If the requisition is changed and resubmitted,
its status becomes Open again.
Approved The requisition is approved.
Released The requisition is released for picking or purchasing.
Backordered Inventory is insufficient to fill the requisition.
The system creates a purchase order for items with insufficient inventory
(or adds the items to an existing PO). You can cancel backorders, if you wish.
Partially Filled Items on the requisition are partially picked and issued to the department.
At least one backordered line exists.
Complete The requisition has been picked and issued.

Approval History tab

Shows approval information such as when the requisition was reviewed and how many times, the approver's ID, and the approval status.

Bottom tabs (under Requisition Info):


Contains general information about the requisition, including: whether the requisition is STAT, the requisition required date, the date by which approval is needed, and how the originator should be notified of approval. It shows the requisition priority, whether backorders are allowed, whether an item alias should be used, and the organization and department to which the requisition is charged. If the charge-to department or charge-to organization is overridden, it shows the new charge-to department and organization

The General tab also shows quantity and cost totals.


Shows key milestones in the life of the requisition, dates, and users . Examples include: when the requisition was first submitted for approval; when it was reviewed; how many times it was reviewed, who reviewed/approved / rejected the requisition, pick dates, and the completed date.


Lists requisition, approval, credit, and adjustment reasons.


Contains transfer to department, transfer from department, and other information for transfer requisitions.

Guides / Carts

Displays order guide and par cart information for requisitions created from order guides or par carts

To view quantity and cost totals for a requisition:

  1. From the Current Settings menu, verify the Department and Organization.
    Change the values of these fields as needed.
  2. From the Materials Management main Contents, click Requisitioning >Requisitions - Current Dept.
  3. On the Quick Click menu, select Inquiry.
  4. Enter the Requisition Number in the box under Requisition Number.
  5. Click Go.
  6. Detailed information about the requisition appears.
  7. From the top tabs, select Requisition Info.
  8. From the bottom tabs, select General. (See Figure 1).
    The fields on the right of the General panel (beginning with Total Estimated Cost) show cost data.

To view the requisition lines quantity status:

  1. Verify your Department and Organization Current Settings, and change them if needed.
  2. From the Materials Management main Contents, click Requisitioning > Requisitions - Current Dept. The Quick Click menu appears.
  3. Under I would like to ..., select Inquiry.
  4. Enter the requisition number in the field under Requisition Number.
  5. Click Go.
    A tabbed panel containing requisition information appears.
  6. Select the tab: Requisition Lines Quantity Status. (See Figure 2.)
    Quantity information appears for each line on the requisition.

A small right arrow next to an Item No takes you to an item picture, an MSDS, or contract information for the item.

To view picks and other information for a requisition line:

  1. Verify your Department and Organization Current Settings. Change them if necessary
  2. From the Materials Management main Contents, click Requisitioning > Requisitions - Current Dept.
  3. Enter the Requisition Number.
  4. Click Go. Requisition line information appears.
  5. Select the tab: Requisition Lines Quantity Status.
  6. On one of the requisition lines, select Menu > Inquiry or click i.
    A set of top and bottom tabbed panels appears (See Figure 3.)
  7. Select the Picks tab from the top panel. Pick information for the requisition line appears.

To view purchase orders for a requisition line:

  1. Verify your Department and Organization Current Settings. Change them if necessary
  2. From the Materials Management main Contents, click Requisitioning > Requisitions - Current Dept.
  3. On the Quick Click menu, click Inquiry.
  4. Enter the Requisition Number.
  5. Click Go.
    Requisition information appears.
  6. For the requisition line of interest, select Menu > Inquiry or click i.
    A set of top and bottom tabbed panels appears.
  7. Select the Purchase Orders tab from the top panel. PO information for the requisition line appears.