Using Order Guide Quick Issue Version 12/16/2022 18:55:00


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Department personnel may be faced with the need for a few items from order guides that contain long lists of items. Order Guide Quick Issue was designed to meet this need by building order guide requisitions quickly and efficiently. This section describes how to use Order Guide Quick Issue.

If you are new to the requisitioning process, or have never used an order guide before, you may wish to review Working With Requisitions and Using an Order Guide to Requisition Items before you proceed further with Order Guide Quick Issue.

Note: On an Inventory Quick Issue or Order Guide Quick Issue, you can designate non-file, non-stock, or direct delivery lines as Separate PO by Requisition. (This designation is useful when requesting capital project items, for example.) Requisition lines specified as Separate PO by Requisition are entered on one or more separate POs by vendor. See Separate POs by Requisition.

Distribution and warehouse staff have two other tools available for quick issues of supplies: Inventory Quick Issue, Charge Only and Inventory Quick Issue. Order Guide Quick Issue is intended for hospital staff in departments who make requisitions.

Note for administrators: Order Guide Quick Issue uses batch processing. With batch processing, the system bundles data from files together and processes several bundles. Batch jobs run in asynchronous mode: the system does the processing without user intervention.

Mobile Applications on the iPad

If you are an iPad user, documentation for quick issues is available from the Quick Start Guide on the iPad.

Financial Reporting Fields

Your site may be set up to use Financial Reporting Fields in various parts of the application. Similarly, you may also be using Project Codes and Fund Codes.

Financial Reporting Fields, along with Project Code and Fund Code let you generate reports on non-account code fields. For example, your site might define Physician as a financial reporting field. Users could then select the physician associated with an order guide, for example.

If financial reporting fields are used by your site, the tab Fin Reporting appears on the panels. (Otherwise, this tab does not appear.) You can enter field values on the tabbed panel.

Details are in Using Financial Reporting Fields in ERP.


The user's data profile controls the organizations, asset locations, and departments whose data the user can work with.

Permission to use Quick Issue must be set in your user profile. The field Allow Order Guide Quick Issue is on the Authorities tab. Your system administrator can set the field.

The "Distribution" role object controls access to the Order Guide Quick Issue feature. The minimal setting to display the list of quick issues is Modify. To create an order guide quick issue, the setting must be Create. See Work with user roles for details on roles and role objects.

To use Order Guide Quick Issue

  1. From the main Contents, select Requisitioning > My Quick Issues. The My Inventory Quick Issues list appears.
  2. Click New. The Inventory Quick Issue header panel appears for editing (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Quick Issue Header

  1. In the Quick Issue Type field, select Order Guide Quick Issue from the prompt (...).
  2. Click Submit.
    The General tab appears (Figure 2). At the bottom is the Order Guide Issue Lines panel with No Data.

Figure 2 - Order Guide Quick Issue General Panel: Select the Order Guide

  1. On the General tab, review the Issue To Organization and Issue To Department fields to make sure that the organization and department fields are correct. (If not, enter or select the correct organization / department.)
  2. In the Order Guide field, enter the order guide code or click the prompt to select the order guide.
  3. If you know the order guide line number of an item that you need, enter it in the Line Number field.

Figure 3 - Order Guide Quick Issue: Find the Order Guide Item Line

  1. Enter the quantity next to Ordered Qty.
  2. Enter information in other fields as needed, then click Save. The items appear at the bottom in the Order Guide Issue Lines panel.

You can continue to enter items from the order guide. Also, you can specify different departments and organizations (if your user permissions allow you to order for multiple departments) and you can change to a different order guide. However, you must click Save after each addition.

  1. Select Finish Now or Finish Later.

- If you wish to build a pick list right away, select Create Pick List.
If you also wish to print the pick list, select Print Pick List as well. Uncheck the build and print boxes if you do not want to create or build the pick list.
- Click Submit. The system creates a Quick Issue batch job that contains a requisition for each order guide. If you have checked the boxes for creating and/or printing a pick list, the system also creates and prints the pick list(s).

Note: If the items in the Order Quick Quick Issue belong to asset locations other than the Asset Location specified in Current Settings, those items are not placed on a pick list.

- Select Menu > Edit next to your Order Guide Quick Issue.

- Select Finish Now. Your Quick Issue batch job is submitted.